Thursday, May 1, 2008

Requisite Inaugural Post

I had two goals when I decided to start this blog:

1. Emphasize the need for mind and body happiness when anyone goes about perusing a job that they love.
2. Justifying a way to combine two of my favorite interests- fitness and maintaining a writing career.

In my case, I spent several years during my 20s and 30s toiling away in government or non-profit jobs that gave me little to no satisfaction. I had to find a place to find meaning or happiness outside of my JOB that composed almost all of my identity.

When I finally decided to take the plunge and start a career as a freelance writer, however, I realized that I was personally responsible for my happiness. The overbearing boss, workload that I had no control of, more customers than I could handle, and pointless meetings to fill up my day were gone. Now I’m personally responsible for constructing my day in a way that fulfilled my purpose in life. And I was responsible for making sure that what I did made me happy, and that my physical and mental health were priorities.

I've been practicing yoga on and off for almost a decade, and I discovered the pain and joy that is Pilates about four years ago. Having spent my childhood in the requisite ballet/tap/jazz grind that most girls go through, Pilates furthered and strengthened my practice.

So grab a mat, toss on some sneakers, and grab your favorite word processor and watch how easy (and frustrating) it can be to find that balance between busy and fulfilled.

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